
Early Years Classes

The early years of a child’s life, full of wonder and joy, are also the most critical years of development. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的早教班为孩子们提供了丰富的探索和玩耍环境,并为家长提供支持,创造健康的家庭生活,为学习奠定坚实的基础. 通过每周与志同道合的家长和经验丰富的华德福幼儿教师在小组中会面, a warm and loving community is formed.

当我们在歌声中度过一年的时候,四季的变化之美将创造出一种自然的节奏, verses, activities and stories. Play is the heart of the young child, 孩子们将有机会在专门为他们设计的美丽教室和花园中探索这个游戏世界. 来吧,准备好在水坑里嬉戏,在泥里挖洞,在阳光下跳舞.

早教项目为孩子们提供了丰富的探索和玩耍环境, 并协助父母建立健康的家庭生活,为孩子和家庭生活打下坚实的基础.

“Play is the highest form of research.”
ーAlbert Einstein

Children come and…

Explore a child-friendly environment that is safe, challenging and emotionally nurturing with simple play materials.

为支持他们不断发展的兴趣而受到的特别关注感到高兴, motor abilities, and problem-solving skills.


Parents come and…

体验一个鼓励有价值的思想和信息交流的环境, and provides a framework for why Waldorf works.


与您的孩子分享歌曲和游戏的乐趣,这有助于他们的语言和语言发展. Meet other parents and find a community of sharing and support.

Discover new tips for parenting and caregiving.

“玩耍可以让孩子们在发展想象力的同时发挥他们的创造力, dexterity, and physical, cognitive and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact with the world around them.”

Click here for our 2024-2025 Waldorf Early Years brochure


Playgroup & Bridge Classes

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的游戏小组和桥牌班通过故事和运动为识字提供了一扇门, song and verse.

Daily Rhythm for Playgroup and Bridge

Free Play

孩子们可以自由玩耍,而父母和看护人则在附近进行有目的的活动,并享受彼此之间的讨论. This is an ideal time to observe your child at play! If you have a handwork project from home (such as sewing, knitting, mending), we welcome you to bring this along to work on as well.

Welcome Circle

在我们的圈子和故事时间里,我们将在诗歌和歌曲中从秋天进入春天. This is a special time to enjoy being with your child, undistracted by your housework, phones, and other tasks.

Snack Time

我们以祝福开始,享受父母可以帮助准备的温暖的小吃, such as brown rice and peas. 零食是自制的,尽可能使用有机和当地的食材. We follow this activity with dish washing.

Outdoor Free Play


Closing Circle

We finish each class with a verse and warm goodbyes.

Playgroup Program Schedule

Bridge Program Schedule

Age requirements: 18 months to 3 years

Playgroup ClassesDayTimeTuition Fees
Choose one dayTuesday8:45 – 10:45$400
 Wednesday8:45 – 10:45$400

8:45 – 10:45


Fall Session 2024: Sept. 9 – Nov. 15*

Winter Session 2024-25: Dec. 2 – Feb. 28*

Spring Session: March 10 – May 30*

*Classes follow our holiday schedule

$400/session or $1,000 for all three sessions purchased in advance. Fees are non-refundable.

Bridge age requirements: 3 years by Dec. 1

Bridge Schedule



Tuition Fees/Yearly

Choose one day


11:00am – 1:00pm




11:00am – 1:00pm




8:45am – 10:45am


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Recommended Reading

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge

一本获奖的书应该放在每个有小孩的父母的床头柜上吗. Full of everyday wisdom for busy parents, 这本书的宝藏是给所有重视想象力游戏的看护者的, the necessity of daily routine, and the benefit of creative discipline. Co-authors Barbara J. 帕特森和帕梅拉·布拉德利为创造健康的家庭生活提供了现实的建议,这些建议可以融入到任何生活方式中.

Simplicity Parenting.

今天这个更忙碌、更快、超大规模的社会正在对童年发动一场不宣而战的战争. As the pace of life accelerates to hyperspeed, with too much stuff, too many choices, and too little time – children feel the pressure. They can become anxious, have trouble with friends and school, or even be diagnosed with behavioral problems. Now, in defense of the extraordinary power of less, 国际知名的家庭顾问金·约翰·佩恩帮助父母为他们的孩子收回所有孩子需要的空间和自由, 让孩子的注意力集中,让他们的个性蓬勃发展.



Frequently Asked Questions

游戏小组和桥牌班每周开一次会,目的是让家长和孩子一起参加. WSOC托儿所计划是一个专为两岁和三岁儿童设计的辍学计划. 家庭可以选择2天、3天或5天的托儿所. Two Day: Thursday and Friday; Three Day: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; Five Day: Monday-Friday.


Yes! See Playgroup information above.

No problem! 我们知道,总有一天你做不到. 因为我们的课程是以游戏为基础的,所以不用担心缺课. It is the overall rhythm of attendance that is important. There are no “make-up” days offered.


老师会张贴一个日历,上面有假期和学校放假的日期. 这可以在我们的网站上找到,也会包括在你的班级名册中供你参考.

幼稚园及学前班的申请可于入学前的10月开始. Early Childhood applications are due in early January each year. 请访问我们网站的“如何申请”部分了解更多信息.

Why not begin by joining us for an all school tour? 这些年级之旅在整个学年都有提供. To RSVP –

Registration/fees/refund questions, 以及申请学前班和长期项目规划的问题都直接问Brooke Natzke, Director of Admissions: – (949) 574-7775 x206.

您的孩子/课堂行为/建议直接交给Holly Richards:

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